Masco selection and continued use of suppliers is based on the following standards with respect to all goods that we purchase described in our SBPP:  
1. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
2. Protect against the use of workers younger than the minimum age required by law.
3. Protect against the use of forced labour (i.e., human trafficking and slavery).
4. Provide appropriate wages and benefits as required by law.
5. Protect against excessive working hours that exceed local laws or business customs.
6. Protect against physical and mental punishment of workers.
7. Protect against unlawful discrimination against workers and encourage employment based on ability.
8. Respect workers' rights to associate freely.
9. Maintain safe and clean workplaces, including any residential facilities, in compliance with the law.
10. Protect our confidential and proprietary information.

We will not knowingly work with suppliers that do not respect these standards and those of our customers.  We will periodically assess our supplier's compliance with these standards and those of our customers.  Any reported non-compliance will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.  These standards apply whether the supplier is a Masco company, an affiliate or a third party.


Masco's internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors failing to meet company standards regarding trafficking and human slavery and training for employees and management who have direct responsibility for supply chain management.

Masco maintains internal accountability standards for employees through its legal and ethical compliance program (the "Code of Business Ethics"), which focuses on areas of ethical risk, and helps foster Masco's culture of honesty, accountability and transparency.  Further, the SBPP pledges that Masco will avoid working with suppliers that do not respect our standards and those of our customers. If an employee is in violation of our Code of Business Ethics or if a supplier is acting in violation of the SBPP, we will (in certain egregious situations) terminate such employee or supplier, or we will work with them to remedy the violation.  If the effort to remedy the violation is unsuccessful, we will evaluate our business relationship with that supplier or employee and take appropriate corrective action. Corrective action may include cancelation of an affected order, prohibition on further use of a facility or supplier, termination of employment and reporting the violation to the proper authorities.  If a supplier refuses access to our auditors, the relationship with that supplier will be terminated.  
Masco believes that education and training are critical components to ensuring that our standards are met and that human rights within our supply chain are respected.  All salaried employees, including those with responsibility for supply chain, are required to certify annually their compliance with the Masco Code of Business Ethics and complete on-line training.  Masco's Code of Business Ethics includes the requirement to comply with all laws in all places where Masco does business, and a violation of the Code may result in penalties, including termination. Additionally, Masco periodically trains each of its employees and managers with responsibility for supply chain management with respect to the applicable requirements of, and compliance with, our SBPP, including with respect to human trafficking and slavery.